OneLife Flagship Event

Past events hosted by Onelife Communications and Events Company

Women Summit

A 2-day Event held annually hosted by Onelife Communications and Events Company. The Summit presents powerful female role models whose stories illuminate the most pressing business issues in present times. We feature CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Artists, Activist, Peacemakers and the firebrand dissidents from all backgrounds, across diverse disciplines and from all walks of life.

The Women’s Summit celebrates the doers and the doing, a source of inspiration and support that connects and empowers women in Zambia, and the wider African Continent by helping them to realize their potential and reach new heights. With specific mention to women that go beyond the call of duty and those that strive to inspire support and empower other women.

It brings leaders from various industries, backgrounds and experiences to share, network and connect. The main focus is for women to leave the conference empowered to contribute to their families, businesses, companies and the nation’s developmental goals.

IMPEX – Import and Export Conference

As the world is fast becoming an integrated economic community with rising competition for export markets, skilled human capital, trade and international dominance. Africa needs to take advantage of its interconnectedness and her current status quo. AU and its many protocols represent Africa that is a country, which had been separated by the imported sovereign nations concepts. Africans are defined by a common share of language and a culture that runs along Ubuntu culture of the many Bantu tribes in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is a fact, culture is the basis of all development.

With the entry into force of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) in May 2019, it is an opportunity for each African country to reach the wider African market. The diverstiy in knowledge across the continent can only make Africa’s vast natural resources more potent to support the so needed sustainable development in Africa under AFCFTA.

At Continental level, Agenda 2063 is ImpEx strategic guide for its implementation. Worth noting is the composition of majority of our population in Africa being the youth group; with the world a global village and even more now that the world intelligences are increasingly being shared with the accelerated online-fade and fact. Also, the recent past has demonstrated the centrality of human resource to every meaningful sustainable development. Our youth become the most important resource and pillar to our development.

ImpEx Africa aims to build the purposeful interconnectedness of meaningful supply chains consisting of a mesh of 2nd economy entrepreneurs supplying a range of resources to big business, let alone being the market too. In so doing the 2nd economy entrepreneurs including individuals, subsistence farmers and SMEs get to establish their individual performing business identity (PBI). With their PBIs, the 2nd economy members are formally recognised to create the necessary pull and or push for more, in particular big business engagement.

Zambia International Poultry Expo - ZIPEX

The Zambia International Poultry Expo (ZIPEX) was created to support the growth and scaling up of the poultry farming sector in Zambia. It is a sector-wide platform that brings together experts and players in the poultry value chain to discuss trends and developments in the local and international markets.

Agriculture is crucial for Africa’s economy, employing two-thirds of the continent’s workforce and contributing significantly to GDP. ZIPEX main aim is to disseminate knowledge and promote the success of poultry farming to meet food security needs in Zambia and the African market.

“ZIPEX” is a joint production of DSG Media & OneLife Events and Communications Company. The inaugural event was held under the theme “Connecting and Advancing Poultry Business Knowledge” at the Martin Richenhagen Future Farm on 28th to the 30th of April 2023. Participation offered Poultry farmers & sector aligned businesses a unique opportunity to showcase their products & services as well as disseminate knowledge and solutions to regular Poultry specific players.

This initiative is supported by Zambian Government, through its Agriculture Line Ministry, the Minister of Fisheries and Livestock as well as, the Zambia Development Agency, Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission as well as the Poultry Association of Zambia (PAZ).

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